Can this breadth-first search be made faster?

2024/9/24 16:38:00

I have a data set which is a large unweighted cyclic graph The cycles occur in loops of about 5-6 paths. It consists of about 8000 nodes and each node has from 1-6 (usually about 4-5) connections. I'm doing single pair shortest path calculations and have implemented the following code to do a breadth-first search.

from Queue import Queueq = Queue()
parent = {}
fromNode = 'E1123'
toNode = 'A3455'# path finding
parent[fromNode] = 'Root'while not q.empty():# get the next node and add its neighbours to queuecurrent = q.get()for i in getNeighbours(current):# note parent and only continue if not already visitedif i[0] not in parent:parent[i[0]] = currentq.put(i[0])# check if destinationif current == toNode:print 'arrived at', toNodebreak

The above code uses the Python 2.6 Queue module and getNeighbours() is simply a subroutine that makes a single MySQL call and returns the neighbours as a list of tuples e.g. (('foo',),('bar',)). The SQL call is quick.

The code works ok however testing to down to depths of about 7 layers takes about 20 seconds to run (2.5GHz Intel 4GB RAM OS X 10.6)

I'd welcome any comments about how to improve the run time of this code.


Well, given the upvotes on the comment, I'll make it an answer now.

The SQL in the tight loop is definitely slowing you down. I don't care how fast the call is. Think about it -- you're asking for a query to be parsed, a lookup to be run -- as fast as that is, it's still in a tight loop. What does your data set look like? Can you just SELECT the entire data set into memory, or at least work with it outside of MySQL?

If you work with that data in memory, you will see a significant performance gain.

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