The piece of code below takes input from user through a form and then returns the input as multiplied by 2. What I want to do is, when a user types a number (for example 5) and presses the "Enter" key on keyboard or clicks on "Calculate" button, the place where he entered the number "5" should also display 10, besides the place immediately below. Normally, the form keeps the number entered , but the place right below it gets updated and displays 10 (let us say you have entered 5)
How can I also update the form place?
(Please let me know if my question is unclear, so I can better explain myself.)
from tkinter import *def multiplier(*args):try:value = float(ment.get())result.set(value * 2)except ValueError:passmGui = Tk()
mGui.geometry("300x300+300+300")ment = StringVar()
result = StringVar()mbutton = Button (mGui, text = "Calculate", command = multiplier)
mbutton.pack()mEntry = Entry(mGui, textvariable = ment, text="bebe")
mEntry.pack()mresult = Label(mGui, textvariable = result)