python: find html tags and replace their attributes [duplicate]

2024/9/20 5:53:06

I need to do the following:

  1. take html document
  2. find every occurrence of 'img' tag
  3. take their 'src' attribute
  4. pass founded url to processing
  5. change the 'src' attribute to the new one
  6. do all this stuff with Python 2.7

P.S. I,ve heard about lmxl and BeautifulSoup. How do you recommend to solve this problem with? Maybe it would be better to use regexes then? or another something else?

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_string)
for link in soup.findAll('a')link['src'] = 'New src'
html_string = str(soup)

I don't particularly like BeautifulSoup but it does the job for you. Try to not over-do your solution if you don't have to, this being one of the simpler things you can do to solve a general issue.

That said, building for the future is equally important but all your 6 requirements can be put down into one, "I want to change 'src' or all links to X"

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