Pull Tag Value using BeautifulSoup

2024/9/20 1:03:11

Can someone direct me as how to pull the value of a tag using BeautifulSoup? I read the documentation but had a hard time navigating through it. For example, if I had:

<span title="Funstuff" class="thisClass">Fun Text</span>

How would I just pull "Funstuff" busing BeautifulSoup/Python?

Edit: I am using version 3.2.1


You need to have something to identify the element you're looking for, and it's hard to tell what it is in this question.

For example, both of these will print out 'Funstuff' in BeautifulSoup 3. One looks for a span element and gets the title, another looks for spans with the given class. Many other valid ways to get to this point are possible.

import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup('<html><body><span title="Funstuff" class="thisClass">Fun Text</span></body></html>')
print soup.html.body.span['title']
print soup.find('span', {"class": "thisClass"})['title']

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