Threading and information passing -- how to

2024/9/20 8:15:13

To reframe from confusion i have edited the question:

import threading
count = 5
dev = threading.Thread(name='dev', target=dev,args=(workQueue,count,))
workQueue = Queue.Queue(10)
count = 3
count = 5

but my confusion here is I am able to put and get values from queue between threads but in case of count it does not reflect.

Why is that?
What is point am actually missing here?

class dev ( threading.Thread ):def test(self):while 1:print countprint self.EPP_ObjqueueLock.acquire()if not self.workQueue.empty():data = self.workQueue.get()print dataqueueLock.release()else:queueLock.release()def __init__(self, workQueue, EPP_Obj):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.workQueue = workQueueself.EPP_Obj = EPP_Obj

Let's start with an example:

The Thread subclass:

import threadingclass Dev(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, workQueue, queueLock, count):super(Dev, self).__init__()   # super() will call Thread.__init__ for youself.workQueue = workQueueself.queueLock= queueLockself.count = countdef run(self):  # put inside run your loopdata = ''while 1:with self.queueLock:if not self.workQueue.empty():data = self.workQueue.get()print dataprint self.countif data == 'quit':break

The with statement is a smart way to acquire and release a lock, take a look at the doc.

Now the running code:

import Queue
import timework_q = Queue.Queue()     # first create your "work object"
q_lock = threading.Lock()
count = 1dev = Dev(work_q, q_lock, count)  # after instantiate like this your Thread
with q_lock:work_q.put('word')
# word
# 1time.sleep(1)
count = 10
with q_lock:work_q.put('dog')
# dog
# 1count = 'foo'
with q_lock:work_q.put('quit')
# quit
# 1dev.join()   # This will prevent the main to exit# while the dev thread is still running

With the code above we have a clear example on how self.count stays unchanged no matter what we do to count.
The reason of this behaviour is that calling:

dev = Dev(work_q, q_lock, count)


dev = Dev(work_q, q_lock, 1)

is the same thing.

Arnold Moon Showed you a way to change self.count. Adjusting that to our example:

class Dev(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, workQueue, queueLock, count):super(Dev, self).__init__()self.workQueue = workQueueself.queueLock= queueLockself.count = countdef set_count(self, value):self.count = valuedef run(self):data = ''while 1:with self.queueLock:if not self.workQueue.empty():data = self.workQueue.get()print dataprint self.countif data == 'quit':break

Calling set_count in our running code will change the value of self.count:

with q_lock:work_q.put('word')
# word
# 1time.sleep(1)
count = dev.count + 9
with q_lock:work_q.put('dog')
# dog
# 10count = 'foo'
with q_lock:work_q.put('quit')
# quit
# 10

I hope this will help you clarify some doubts.

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