how to get place details from place id in google places api for python

2024/9/8 10:51:17

I am using the Google Places API with Python to build a collective intelligence app for food. e.g. what restaurants are around, what ratings they have, what are their timings, etc.

I am doing the following in Python:

from googleplaces import GooglePlaces, types, langAPI_KEY = ''google_places = GooglePlaces(API_KEY)query_result = google_places.nearby_search(location='Mumbai', keyword='Restaurants',radius=1000, types=[types.TYPE_RESTAURANT])if query_result.has_attributions:print query_result.html_attributionsfor place in query_result.places:print place.nameprint place.geo_locationprint place.place_id  

And it returns me something like this:

{u'lat': Decimal('19.1156005'), u'lng': Decimal('72.9090715')}
Aroma's Cafe
{u'lat': Decimal('19.116867'), u'lng': Decimal('72.90982199999999')}
{u'lat': Decimal('19.1161942'), u'lng': Decimal('72.90909789999999')}
Mainland China
{u'lat': Decimal('19.1154358'), u'lng': Decimal('72.90858159999999')}
The Yellow Chilli

Now I want to have the details of each restaurant (like their ratings, reviews, timings). How can the information be retrieved with place_id?


Refer to this (scroll down for the documentation):

It's got all of the calls you need. For example:

for place in query_result.places:place.get_details()print place.rating

Will get the ratings for each of your places. Pretty much everything is in that github link for you :)

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