Delete files that are older than 7 days

2024/9/16 23:25:23

I have seen some posts to delete all the files (not folders) in a specific folder, but I simply don't understand them.

I need to use a UNC path and delete all the files that are older than 7 days.

 Mypath = \\files\data\APIArchiveFolder\

Does someone have quick script that they can specifically input the path above into that would delete all files older than 7 days?


This code removes files in the current working directory that were created >= 7 days ago. Run at your own risk.

import os
import timecurrent_time = time.time()for f in os.listdir():creation_time = os.path.getctime(f)if (current_time - creation_time) // (24 * 3600) >= 7:os.unlink(f)print('{} removed'.format(f))

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