How to do multihop ssh with fabric

2024/9/16 18:18:25

I have a nat and it has various server So from my local server I want to go to nat and then from nat i have to ssh to other machines

Local-->NAT(abcuser@publicIP with key 1)-->server1(xyzuser@localIP with key 2) nat has different ssh key and each of the server has different ssh key how can i accomplish this type of multihop ssh using fabric I tried using env.roledefs feature but it doesnt seems to be working also I am not sure how to define two ssh keys.I know we can define a list of keys with env.key_filename but issue is will it check each key with each server?How can I be more specific and match a key with one server only

I have tried using command from my local machine fab deploy -g '[email protected]' -i '/home/aman/Downloads/aws_oms.pem' and my script is

from __future__ import with_statement
from fabric.api import local, run, cd, env, execute
env.hosts=['[email protected]']
def deploy():run("uname -a")

It's possible. Double hop to (and list files) via gateway hop Basically, you simply nest the connections with the gateway parameter.

# coding: utf-8from fabric import Connectionpath = '/'
conn1 = Connection(host='[email protected]', connect_kwargs={'password': '***'})
conn2 = Connection(host='[email protected]', connect_kwargs={'password': '***'}, gateway=conn1)
result ='''cd {path} && ls -al''', hide=True)
msg = "Ran {0.command!r} on {}, got stdout:\n{0.stdout}"

Please remember to run the SSH connection manually once to introduce the servers to each other!

Install via

pip3 install --upgrade fabric
pip3 install cryptography==2.4.2  # optional to hide some annoying warnings

Python 3.6+.

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