CSRF protection on AJAX authentication in Flask

2024/10/5 20:16:24

I'd like to AJAXify both a login and a signup form on a site. Up to now I've been using WTForms mainly for its built-in CSRF protetion, but for this project I didn't feel like it was worth it -- an extra layer of abstraction, and therefore frustration, for something that should be pretty simple.

So I came across this snippet on Flask's security section:

def csrf_protect():if request.method == "POST":token = session.pop('_csrf_token', None)if not token or token != request.form.get('_csrf_token'):abort(403)def generate_csrf_token():if '_csrf_token' not in session:session['_csrf_token'] = some_random_string()return session['_csrf_token']app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf_token

I understand the thought process behind this code. In fact, it all makes perfect sense to me (I think). I can't see anything wrong with it.

But it doesn't work. The only thing I've changed about the code is replacing the pseudofunction some_random_string() with a call to os.urandom(24). Every request has 403'd so far because token and request.form.get('_csrf_token') are never the same. When I print them this becomes obvious -- usually they're different strings, but occasionally, and seemingly with no underlying reason, one or the other will be None or a truncated version of the output of os.urandom(24). Obviously something out of sync, but I'm not understanding what it is.


You can get the convenience of flask-wtf without all the heaviness, and without rolling your own:

from flask_wtf.csrf import CsrfProtect

then on init, either:



csrf = CsrfProtect()def create_app():app = Flask(__name__)csrf.init_app(app)

The token will then be available app-wide at any point, including via jinja2:

<form method="post" action="/"><input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}" />

(via the docs)


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