I want to update a series of columns Country1, Country2... Country 9 based on a comma delimited string of country names in column Country. I've programmed a single statement to accomplish this task.
cur.execute("\UPDATE t \SET Country1 = returnCountryName(Country,0),\Country2 = returnCountryName(Country,1),\Country3 = returnCountryName(Country,2),\Country4 = returnCountryName(Country,3),\Country5 = returnCountryName(Country,4),\Country6 = returnCountryName(Country,5),\Country7 = returnCountryName(Country,6),\Country8 = returnCountryName(Country,7),\Country9 = returnCountryName(Country,8),\Country10 = returnCountryName(Country,9),\WHERE Country IS NOT NULL\;")
Howerver, I am getting the error
sqlite3.OperationalError: near "WHERE": syntax error
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