Regex to match phone number 5ABCDYYZZ [closed]

2024/7/7 6:26:55

I am using regex to classify special numbers.

The pattern I wish to match looks like this : 5ABCDXXYY.

Its a number that:

  • starts with "5"
  • followed by 4 different digits (ABCD)
  • then 2 matching digits (XX)
  • and again 2 matching digits (YY)

examples the regex should match: 590631122, 510367722 examples the regex shouldn't match: 566781100, 519283412

I have tried the below

S_E_4_A = 590631122
S_E_4_A_pattern = re.sub(r'.{4}\d(\d)\1(\d)\2', "Special-Private", str(S_E_4_A))

The problem with my regex is that it also match other patterns such as 5ABXXYYZZ.

I want to change my regex to match only two sets of repeating numbers and not more.

Thank you


You may use this regex to validate your constraints:


RegEx Demo

RegEx Breakup:

  • \b: Word boundary
  • (?!.(\w)\1): Negative lookahead to ensure we don't have a repeat of any chat after 0 to 3 chars
  • 5: Match digit 5
  • \w{4}: Match 4 word characters
  • (\d): Match a digit in capture group #2
  • \2: Match same value as in capture group #2
  • (\d): Match a digit in capture group #3
  • \3: Match same value as in capture group #3
  • \b: Word boundary

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