Too many instances are running for Django Server

2024/7/7 5:17:04

When Django server gets started, I can see only one instance of Django server running in the background. But after a while, I can see multiple instances are running.


root@GoldenGate:~# ps |grep python 1592 root     79636 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver root     27936 S    python /root/celestial_NAS/ runsslserver --certificate /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt --key /etc/ssl/private/ser2750 root     21056 S    python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver root     60160 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver root     87764 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver root     61188 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver root     42732 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver root     68360 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver root     43760 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver root     82712 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver
12351 root     73484 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver
13567 root      1304 S    /bin/sh -c python /root/celestial_NAS/
13568 root     16684 R    python /root/celestial_NAS/
13578 root      1304 S    grep python
16450 root     78608 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver
19979 root     48884 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver
24374 root     56060 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver
25372 root     59132 S    /usr/bin/python /root/celestial_NAS/ runserver

This effects performance of the system, Can you please help me to figure out what is the root cause behind start of multiple instances of single runserver(Django server) with multiple process ids.


Please follow these instructions: How to use Django with uWSGI

And here is another good one.

I believe theWanderer4865 has already explained the reason in details (patience, wow).

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