functions and indentation in python [duplicate]

2024/7/6 21:45:10

I'm taking a tutorial in udemy to teach myself Python and it is making me love Javascript every day more. Anyhow, I can't seem to figure out how to work this indentation right so that the program runs inside a while loop that evaluates a zero string to exit BUT all input and calculations must be inside functions.

I've got this far, but the weight, height, and bmi variables are throwing undefined errors. Problem is, as far as I know, didn't I define them already in their functions?

NameError: name 'weight' is not defined

So, I thought, maybe it's because I need to indent the function calls to give the variable declarations a higher scope and what do you know! the evil red squiggly underline went away. So I ran the program with no errors and but nothing ran inside the while loop. it ignored everything! ugh....

Any help please. God, I love squiggly brackets and semicolons.

def BMICalculator():student_name = input("Enter the student's name or 0 to exit:")while student_name != "0":def getWeight():weight = float(input("Enter " + student_name + "'s weight in pounds: "))return weightdef getHeight():height = float(input("Enter " + student_name + "'s height in pounds: "))return heightdef calcBMI(weight, height):bmi = (weight * 703) / (height * height)return bmigetWeight()getHeight()calcBMI(weight, height)print("\n" + student_name + "'s BMI profile:")print("---------------")print("Height:", height, "\nWeight:", weight)def showBMI(bmi):print("BMI Index:", "{:.2f}".format(bmi))showBMI(bmi)student_name = input("Enter next student's name or 0 to exit:")print("\n\nExiting Program!")BMICalculator()

didn't I define them already in their functions

Yes, and that's the problem. They are locally scoped to those functions. You need assignment... weight = getWeight(), for example

No need to go overboard with the function definitions, though

def calcBMI(weight, height):bmi = (weight * 703) / (height * height)return bmidef showBMI(bmi):print("BMI Index:", "{:.2f}".format(bmi))student_name = input("Enter the student's name or 0 to exit:")
while student_name != "0":weight = float(input("Enter " + student_name + "'s weight in pounds: "))height = float(input("Enter " + student_name + "'s height in pounds: "))bmi = calcBMI(weight, height)# etc...showBMI(bmi)student_name = input("Enter next student's name or 0 to exit:")print("\n\nExiting Program!")

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