python super calling child methods

2024/10/5 17:16:22

There are numerous questions on the usage of super() but none of them appears to answer my question.

When calling super().__init__() from a subclass, all method calls in the super-constructor are actually taken from the subclass. Consider the following class structure:

class A(object):def __init__(self):print("initializing A")self.a()def a(self):print("A.a()")class B(A):def __init__(self):super().__init__()# add stuff for Bself.bnum=3 # required by B.a()        def a(self):print("B.a(), bnum=%i"%self.bnum)b=B()

which fails with

initializing A
Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 17, in b=B()File "", line 11, in __init__super().__init__()File "", line 5, in __init__self.a()File "", line 15, in aprint("B.a(), bnum=%i"%self.bnum)
AttributeError: 'B' object has no attribute 'bnum'

Here I call the super constructor in B() to initialize some basic structure (some of which is executed as an own function a()). However, if I override the a() function as well, this implementation is used when calling A's constructor which fails because A knows nothing about B and may use different internal variables.

This may or may not be intuitive, but what do I have to do when I want all methods in A only to have access to the functions implemented there?


If your code has to call specific private methods that cannot be overridden, use a name that starts with two underscores:

class A(object):def __init__(self):print("initializing A")self.__a()def __a(self):print("A.a()")class B(A):def __init__(self):super().__init__()# add stuff for Bself.bnum=3 # required by B.a()        def __a(self):print("B.__a(), bnum=%i"%self.bnum)

Python "mangles" such method names by adding in the class name (plus an underscore) to minimize the chances subclasses overwrite them with their own versions.

The PEP 8 Python Style Guide has this to say about private name mangling:

If your class is intended to be subclassed, and you have attributesthat you do not want subclasses to use, consider naming them withdouble leading underscores and no trailing underscores. This invokesPython's name mangling algorithm, where the name of the class ismangled into the attribute name. This helps avoid attribute namecollisions should subclasses inadvertently contain attributes with thesame name.

Note 1: Note that only the simple class name is used in the mangledname, so if a subclass chooses both the same class name and attributename, you can still get name collisions.

Note 2: Name mangling can make certain uses, such as debugging and__getattr__(), less convenient. However the name mangling algorithmis well documented and easy to perform manually.

Note 3: Not everyone likes name mangling. Try to balance the need toavoid accidental name clashes with potential use by advanced callers.

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