Python Watchdog process existing files on startup

2024/9/21 14:37:28

I have a simple Watchdog and Queue process to monitor files in a directory. Code taken from

import time
from import PatternMatchingEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from queue import Queue
from threading import Threaddir_path = "/data"def process_queue(q):while True:if not q.empty():event = q.get()print("New event %s" % event)time.sleep(5)class FileWatchdog(PatternMatchingEventHandler):def __init__(self, queue, patterns):PatternMatchingEventHandler.__init__(self, patterns=patterns)self.queue = queuedef process(self, event):self.queue.put(event)def on_created(self, event):self.process(event)if __name__ == '__main__':watchdog_queue = Queue()worker = Thread(target=process_queue, args=(watchdog_queue,))worker.setDaemon(True)worker.start()event_handler = FileWatchdog(watchdog_queue, patterns="*.ini")observer = Observer()observer.schedule(event_handler, path=dir_path)observer.start()try:while True:time.sleep(2)except KeyboardInterrupt:observer.stop()observer.join()

Once the process is running new files are processed correctly. However if I restart the process and a file already exists in the directory it is ignored.

I have tried to create a dict to add to the queue

    for file in os.listdir(dir_path):if file.endswith(".ini"):file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file)event = {'event_type' : 'on_created', 'is_directory' : 'False', 'src_path' : file_path}watchdog_queue.put(event)

but it's expecting an object of type (class '') and I can't work out how to create this.

Alternatively I can see in the Watchdog documentation (class watchdog.utils.dirsnapshot.DirectorySnapshot) but I cannot work out how to run this and add it to the queue.

Any suggestions on how I can add existing files to the queue on startup ?


This code should do what you are trying to achieve.

from import FileCreatedEvent# Loop to get all files; dir_path is your lookup folder.for file in os.listdir(dir_path):filename = os.path.join(dir_path, file)event = FileCreatedEvent(filename)watchdog_queue.put(event)

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