How to print warnings and errors when using setuptools (pip)

2024/9/20 8:04:30

I am using setuptools to package code such that it can be easily installed using

cd project_name && pip install .

During the setup process, I want to warn the user about pre-existing config files and print some post install instructions on the system. For example

/etc/project_name/project.conf exists. Not copying default config file.

I have tried to use print and logging.warning() but still the warnings don't appear when installing using pip. I have a feeling I am missing something obvious.

We are trying to support 3.0 > python >= 2.6 on Redhat family >= el6 and Ubuntu >= 14.04LTS


If you take a look at the pip source, in the function responsible for running the setup script, call_subprocess (source here), it says:

def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=False, cwd=None, ..."""Args:show_stdout: if true, use INFO to log the subprocess's stderr andstdout streams.  Otherwise, use DEBUG.  Defaults to False...."""...# Most places in pip use show_stdout=False. What this means is--## - We connect the child's output (combined stderr and stdout) to a#   single pipe, which we read.# - We log this output to stderr at DEBUG level as it is received.# - If DEBUG logging isn't enabled (e.g. if --verbose logging wasn't#   requested), then we show a spinner so the user can still see the#   subprocess is in progress.# - If the subprocess exits with an error, we log the output to stderr#   at ERROR level if it hasn't already been displayed to the console#   (e.g. if --verbose logging wasn't enabled).  This way we don't log#   the output to the console twice.## If show_stdout=True, then the above is still done, but with DEBUG# replaced by INFO.

In short, you can see the output only if:

  • your setup exits with an error, or
  • user calls pip with -v, the verbose flag

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