Opening a postgres connection in psycopg2 causes python to crash

2024/9/21 14:49:12

I'm getting the following error message when I try to open up a connection to a postgres database. Perhaps it's related to OpenSSL, but I can't understand the error message. Can anyone help?

>>> import psycopg2
>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(host = '', port = , dbname= '', user = '', password = '')
Auto configuration failed
12848:error:02001015:system library:fopen:Is a directory:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c
12848:error:2006D002:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:system lib:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.
12848:error:0E078002:configuration file routines:DEF_LOAD:system lib:.\crypto\co

One problem that I can think of is that your installation may not have been linked/built properly to use openssl. If you haven't tried the packages listed in the docs yet, maybe you could give it a try.

When I look at the docs:

Microsoft Windows:

Jason Erickson maintains a packaged Windows port of Psycopg with installation executable. Download. Double click. Done.

So you could try to install it from there. Or you can try the pip-friendly windows-friendly (note: I didn't try it myself) psycopg2-windows package.

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